The first import shipmentunder the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) regimeconsisting of resinsfromTunisiaarrived at the Kribi deep-sea port on 3 July 2023. The operation of the abovementionedshipmentis of utmost importance as itfallsunder the framework of the test phase for the implementation of AfCFTA, whereCameroonis a pilot country alongwithsevenother states.
The objective of AfCFTAis to ensure the free circulation of goods and services produced in Africa or withAfricanrawmaterials. This pilot phase is the first milestonetowards the African Common Market, presented as a formidable lever to boost the continent'sgrowth and economicdevelopment. It shouldbenotedthat the unloading of thisshipmentwill mark the beginning of customs tariffreductions for productsshippedunderAfCFTA in Cameroon. Measures have been taken to guarantee the successfulimplementation of tariffreductions for concerned cargo.
The gradualreduction plan has been determined by African countries and isbroken down as follows: 90% of tarifflineswillbereducedin 10 years in Least Developed Countries, LCDs and five years in developing countries. 7% of products (productsconsidered as sensitive products) willbereducedin 13 years in LCDs and in 10 years for other countries. The remaining 3% of productswillbeexemptedfromtariffs and willtherefore not besubject to liberalization.
It shouldalsobenotedthatsinceOctober 2022, Cameroon has been committed to this process, whichaims to boost intra-Africantrade. Although intra-Africantrade in goodsonlyaccounts for 17% of global trade volumes, Cameroon's exports to the rest of the world are still on the increase. Cameroon has alreadyexporteddried fruit and tea to Ghana under the AfCFTAregime.
(Source:Summary - Cameroon Tribune No. 12886/9085 of 4 July 2023)